Connection Dictionary Twiddling – Part 2

I wrote about using Project Wonder’s ERXConfigurationManager to ‘twiddle’ your model connection dictionary settings here.

I only listed the global properties, but there are per model properties as well. Unfortunately the JDBC settings are not very well documented. So, to google index my brain, here are my notes: Most of the heavy lifting is done by the fixJDBCDictionary method in ERXModelGroup – you can read the source if you want to know all the values – here is a (MySQL) example with the most common ones:

  • MyModelName.URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost/my_dbname?capitalize…etc
  • MyModelName.DBUser=db_user
  • MyModelName.DBPassword=db_password
  • MyModelName.DBDriver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

WOWODC 2008 Press

Pascal sent out the WOWODC press release earlier this week and we’ve seen the notice popping up on various sites all week. The best so far has got to be the post on ars technica:

“You think it’s hard being a Mac IT guy? Try being a WebObjects developer. Despite its ease of use, elegance, ridiculously low price, and variety of supported runtime environments, Apple’s web application framework gets next to no respect…”


Mark your calendar! WOWODC 2008‘s second annual WebObjects developers conference is taking place the weekend before WWDC at the Parc 55 Hotel in San Francisco.

Pascal Robert (who has done an amazing job pulling this all together) tells me we have an incredible roster of presenters and sessions lined up for the this year. If last years conference is anything to go by, it should be a rip-roaring good time.

Tickets are available here

Disclaimer: I am a member of the steering committee.

New Screencast

WO/ProjectWonder/WOLips – Part 2

I just completed part 2 of the WO/Wonder/WOLips series. This episode introduces:

  • Reusable components
  • Importing files into your project
  • DirectActions
  • Modeling relationships
  • Updating a db schema with Migrations

It should be in available in WebObjects Podcasts on iTunes, from the WOCommunity site, or direct from my .mac account here.


Source of the completed project.

As always, comments and suggestions welcome.