nao design

There have been a number of links to these guys talking about the “JL421 Badonkadonk” a strange StarWars-esque mini personnel transport.


Personally I prefer the “Aphenogaster” pictured above, or perhaps the “Digigrade Stilts” found in their Product catalog. I built something like the Aphenogaster when I was a kid. Mine had 4 wheels, you steered it with your feet, and you sat on the 1/3 hp AC motor (which was mounted on a hinged plank) putting pressure on it so the pully on it’s shaft would rub on the tire of one of the rear wheels. It worked great if the rider was light enough. That and until it ran out of extension cord…

Yup they sure get to make some cool toys. I wonder if they’re hiring. 🙂

via Gizmodo