D2W: Grouping fields in edit form

To group your edit form fields use sectionsContents instead of displayPropertyKeys. A rule for a User for might look like this:

LH: pageConfiguration = 'EditUser'
RH: sectionsContents =
    "Personal Info",

This will result in a form that looks something like this:


Standard assumptions apply: Wonder’s D2W classes are being used.

D2W: List default sort order

Assumptions: Your D2WList page inherits from ERD2WListPage in Wonder (and if it doesn’t it should).

Apply a default sort order on the list with a rule that looks like this:

LH: task = 'list' and entity.name = 'User'
RH: defaultSortOrdering = ( "name",
"compareAscending" )

Class: com.webobjects.directtoweb.Assignment

Also available are:
