WO Wideos

Seems like video is the new black in the WO community this week with the Ajax.framework from Project Wonder taking front billing.

Mike Schrag has posted a short video showing how to create and Ajaxify a new WebObjects app demonstrating some of the new features coming to WOLips.

John Larson has posted a YouTube video of some of the stuff he’s done leveraging the Ajax.framework.

La, la, la, I can’t hear you…

Recent reports of our brave and fearless leader sacking (and eliminating the post of) Canada’s National Science Advisor have got me very concerned.

In a time when the human race is facing what may arguably be some of the most complex and important scientific questions in our existence (global climate change, bioengineering, nanotechnology, etc) it is distressing to see the disregard for science shown by our current government.

Following in the footsteps of our southern neighbours, the current Conservative government appears to have set out to systematically dismantled the scientific advisory and oversight system and muzzle scientists for political purposes. This is dangerous and wrong.

Regardless of where you stand on the scientific issues, wouldn’t you want your leaders to be open to learned advice and the most up-to-date information on the topics? I would. Obviously Steven Harper and his crew don’t.

Migration to Velocity EOGenerator Complete

With the release of Leopard, I was saddened to learn that we’d lost the use of EOGenerator in the resulting tools deprecations. Thankfully, a couple of major competitors filling that role quickly arose.

I’d mentioned JavaEOGenerator before but after working with it for a bit I decided to go with the Velocity based EOGenerator (veogen) built into WOLips.

I’m happy to report that as of WOLips build 3.3.4778 all of the pieces are in place in the veogen engine to duplicate my existing EOGenerator templates (the last missing bit was the named and typed bindings for fetch specs).

Veogen works very well. It is a lot faster than the old EOGenerator and I didn’t find the template language difficult to figure out.

For those moving to veogen, the built in templates are pretty comprehensive but if you feel the need to customize, there are a number of templates on the wiki to help get you started. The wiki also contains a fairly comprehensive list of the available bindings here.

Go forth and generate.