My name is David LeBer.
I develop software for a living. My company is Codeferous Software and I often partner with Align Software Inc. We write custom software for clients we care about.
My tools of choice are often Apple products. I develop for the Mac using Cocoa, for the iPhone and other iOS devices using Cocoa Touch, and for the web using WebObjects.
I am active in the Toronto indie developer community where I co-host (along with Kol. Panic) the local Cocoaheads chapter tacow.
I am also an active contributor to and participate in the WebObjects community. I am a member of the steering committee, a committer to Project Wonder, and a presenter at WOWODC. Several of my screencasts on various WebObjects topics can be found here.
I regularly attend C4 (which I miss dearly now that it is gone), WWDC, and WOWODC.
You can find me on twitter or send me an email.
And yes, my name has intercaps, how cool is that?