WebObjects + Tiger

NOTE: WebObjects 5.2.3 is NOT supported in Tiger!!

Support, shummort, who needs support? 🙂 Here are my notes:

Update: WebObjects 5.2.4 is now out, bringing Tiger support (spotted by Art Isbell on the webobjects-dev list).

  • After installing Tiger and Xcode 2.0, install WebObjects 5.2 followed by the 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 updates (available here). Update: WebObjects 5.2.4 is a combined update, there is no need to apply the 5.2.2 – 5.2.3 updates first.
  • EOModeler will not generate Java classes for you without crashing, use EOGenerator. Update: Fixed in WebObjects 5.2.4.
  • WOLips/Eclipse work fine in Tiger, but the PrivateFramework hack for WO tools integration now longer works – in fact it is dangerous. That’s OK though, it’s not really needed. See this post.
  • The CoreData tools in Xcode conflict with the /Library/Application Support/Apple/Developer Tools/Plug-ins/WOAssistant.pbplugin. Remove it if you want to play with CoreData. Update: Fixed in WebObjects 5.2.4.

WOLips XcodeIndex task

Prompted by my upgrade to Tiger, I dug in and got the XcodeIndex task from WOProject to work:

  • Add this target to your project’s build.xml file.
  • Make sure that the woproject.jar and cayenne.jar are in your class path. Either download WOProject and put the jars into /Developer/Java/Ant/lib/ or add the following to your CLASSPATH: /ECLIPSE_FOLDER/plugins/org.objectstyle.wolips.woproject_1.1.0.102/lib /ECLIPSE_FOLDER/plugins/org.objectstyle.wolips.cayenne_1.1.0.102/lib
  • From the command line, cd to your project’s folder and run: ant xcode.index
    It should create an Xcode.xcode bundle in your project.
  • Open the project in Xcode (ie: by clicking on Xcode.xcode/project.pbxproj). The Sources, Resources, and Frameworks groups should accurately represent your project.
  • Open a Component from the Resources group. WOBuilder should find all of the Classes and Attributes. Rejoice! You only need to do this for the first component after opening a project. Xcode needs to be running but once you’ve established the communication between Xcode and WOBuilder you can hide or minimize it and continue to work in Eclispe/WOLips as usual.
  • Re-run XcodeIndex whenever you add Components, Classes, or Frameworks to your project.

With XcodeIndex working, you will no longer need to apply the scary PrivateFrameworks hack for WOBuilder and EOModeler to operate correctly with Eclipse.

Tiger scratches my Samsung

Hey, everyone else got to use bad Tiger analogies, why not me?

I’ve used a Samsung ML1210 for a couple of years now, most recently through an Airport Extreme base-station, and have had no complaints.

The upgrade to Tiger however, stops it from working. The Panther Samsung drivers work fine if I have the printer directly connected via USB, but Tiger doesn’t recognize them if the printer is shared from the Airport.

My quick fix was to install the Foomatic Samsung drivers here.