I use EOGenerator extensively when working with WebObjects. In WOLips/Eclipse 2.0 I had a GenerateEOs task in my build.xml file (I copied it from a post by Chuck Hill to the WOProject mail list). Unfortunately, it no longer works in WOLips/Eclipse 3.0. There is a WOGen Ant task that should be able to duplicate what EOGenerator does, but well, I’m just stuck in my ways.
As suggested on the WOProject list, I configured EOGenerator to run as a Builder for my project using the following steps:
- Select the appropriate Project/Framework in the Eclipse Package Explorer
- Select Properties from the Project menu and then select Builders
- Click the New button
- Configure the fields in the the window as follows:
- Name: EOGenerator
- Location: /Developer/Applications/eogenerator/eogenerator
- Arguments: (shown on separate lines for clarity only)
- -model ${project_loc}/superduperproject.eomodeld
- -destination ${project_loc}/src/ca/codebase/substrate/
- -subclassDestination ${project_loc}/src/ca/codebase/substrate/
- -templatedir /Developer/Applications/eogenerator/
- -javaTemplate CBJavaSourceEOF5.eotemplate
- -subclassJavaTemplate CBJavaSubclassSourceEOF5.eotemplate
- -define-copyrightYear “2003 – 2004”
- -define-copyrightBy “Codebase Software Systems”
- -verbose
- -java
- Click Apply
- ${project_loc} is an Eclipse variable (it contains the path to the project).
- I keep eogenerator and it’s templates in a folder in /Developer/Applications/ and my EO’s are in the ca.codebase.substrate package, change the paths above to reflect your environment.
- In Build Options for the Builder, select when you want to Run the builder. I find the defaults (After a “Clean” and During Manual Builds) are fine for my needs.