
I’ve been playing with the very cool ScreenFlow from vara software this week… Did I mention that it was very cool?

Anyway, I put together a couple of introductory screencasts on using WebObjects and WOLips. They can both be found in the WebObjects Podcasts on iTMS or from the WOCommunity site.


The first is a short HelloWorld tutorial that introduces:

  • Launching Eclipse/WOLips for the first time
  • Creating a new WebObjects project
  • Project folder structure
  • Running the application
  • Modifying the application run settings
  • Editing components

Direct link from my .mac account here.


The second is a more advanced WO/Wonder/WOLips tutorial that introduces:

  • Database setup using Wonder’s Migrations (NOTE: I use WO 5.3 on Leopard – Migrations are broken in WO 5.4)
  • Inline bindings
  • WOLips’ Add Action, and Add Key dialogs
  • EOGeneration using the Wonder Velocity Template
  • ERXKey and chainable qualifiers

Direct link from my .mac account here.


Login form mockup.

Source of the completed project.


The response from the WO lists has been very positive, so thank you everyone.

Lachlan Deck asked:

Probably helpful to explain why you’re making the ivars public (i.e., in the absence of getter/setters)

My general thoughts on this are:

If –

  • The ivars are only used by the component’s bindings (ie WORepetition item bindings)
  • Are used by bindings and are set in only one action or method in the component
  • Are never exposed by the api

Then I usually feel OK accessing them directly. If I need to expose the variable via the components API or I need to set the ivars value multiple places in the component then I will make the ivar private and wrap it with accessors.

Comments and suggestions welcome.

5 thoughts on “Screencasts

  1. Hello, after the initial shock of the deprecated tool, I have decide to try Eclipse. I have tried the first podcast WO/ProjectWonder/WOLips and I could not make it work.Reading your blog I now realized that I need to Downgrade to 5.3. Not sure how to do it but a search in the WOdev Mailing list should give me the answer.

    I do have a question. On a Leopard Server can 5.3 and 5.4 co-exist. Even better, can I use the old Apple tool with 5.3 on Leopard ?

    Thank you for taking the time to create screencast to help newbies like me, find his way into the gigantic and almost infinite Eclipse.


  2. Thanks for you kind words Franco.

    A couple of things:

    I always deploy with all frameworks embedded, so I am shielded from worrying about what version of WO that is installed on the server.

    According to recent posts on the lists, WO 5.4.2 is available as part of the iPhone SDK. I haven’t had a chance to play with it yet but there is a good chance that it fixes all of the issues with Migrations. You may want to try installing it first.


  3. Fast answer, thank you

    I had already download the last SDK but not installed it yet. I have check the Package inside the installer and you are right, at some places, I can see 5.4.2. I installed it but it did not seems to help me 🙂

    I did not search yet, but do you have an entry in your blog on how to install both 5.3.3 and 5.4 and how to embedded them. Coming from the Apple tool, those thing where not something I needed to know.

    I think for me, what I would need during the transition from Apple tool to Eclipse is a way to start the development on Apple tool then move it to Eclipse to continue, but I guess it is not a good idea 🙂

    Have you work on the open source version of EOModeler ?
    Does the name Leber has a French origin?

    Ok, way too long, sorry.

    Thank for your work


  4. Franco,

    1. Sorry to hear that installing 5.4.2 didn’t help. Perhaps you should take your problems to the wo-dev list.

    2. I have this entry on using 5.3.3 on Leopard, and there is this in the wiki.

    3. No, I wouldn’t attempt that.

    4. No, Entity Modeler is mostly Mike Schrag’s work.

    5. Yes, originally French. Before we were forcibly asked to leave France in the 1800s 🙂


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