After the upgrade my comments stopped working correctly. The comment form didn’t showing the Name, Email, and Website fields and would accept a comment without enforcing the mandatory Name and Email entries.
It seems that the $User_ID constant is always returning a value, even when there is no one logged in. I’ve applied a temporary hack to work around the problem (see below), but I’m going to have to look deeper to identify what is causing it.
Temporary hack follows:
File: /WP-HOME/wp-content/themes/YourTheme/comments.php
(assuming it’s based on the default theme)
Change line 74 from:
<?php if ( $user_ID ) : ?>
to:<?php if ( FALSE ) : ?>
File: /WP-HOME/wp-comments-post.php
Change line 26 from:
if ( $user_ID ) :
to:if ( FALSE ) :
Change line 37 from:
if ( get_settings('require_name_email') && !$user_ID ) {
to:if ( get_settings('require_name_email') && TRUE ) {
As I said, this just masks the fact that WP thinks that there is a user logged in when there isn’t. I’ll have to look deeper to identify the root cause… don’t wait up.
Hi Guys since last three day I am facing a Huge Problem on my blog, The comments form is
not working. I tried to revert all the possible changes.
Whenever someone tries to send a comment, it takes them to a blank wp-comments-post.php
Any help will be appreciated and rewarded through Paypal…